Cube Moscow
June 27 - July 26, 2019
Adil Aubekerov

"Beauty is a line, it is nature, it is flora and fauna", - Adil Aubekerov

Adil Aubekerov's new exhibition Flora and Fauna tells about the nature that resides inside us. His style, close to surrealistic expressionism, perfectly reflects the internal conditions of a human being and the humanity in its entirety.

We are all made as complicated psychological systems with our own special inner rules of existence. Unfortunately, however, not in every instance our inner world stays in harmony with the environment we live in. So, many aspire to change something in their life trying to tune it up to themselves. But without the knowledge and deep understanding of your own inner world, it seems impossible to change anything properly out there. First of all, we need to find harmony in ourselves, explore our own nature and learn to be on the same wavelength with it. Not until then will we look at the outer world from a different angle and find those very things in it that will bring us joy and tranquility.

Adil has been working a lot on his own style and is now a true master. He paints without sketches, producing line after line, creating images that put reality and unreality together. His style combines realistic details and sensual shapes. The exhibition presents the latest works of the artist revealing the essence of his idea of beauty which he considers to be one of the main driving factors of his art.

These works complement to his abundant collection of graphics. The line that many people underestimate regarding it as a primitive graphic element, does not only transform into large picture on his canvas, but also go beyond the traditional artistic notions. The line becomes the conductor of a person's inside energy. Inspired by surrealists, Adil calls us for plunging into our subliminal consciousness, into our nature where everyone can find the strength for his own transformation and see the true beauty of ourselves and the world that surrounds us.